2 min 1 mth 1447

by Ednal Palmer
Finance Minister Manasseh Sogavare has called for proper management of the government’s financial resources.

In committing the 2024 Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2024 to Parliament for debate in its second reading this morning, Sogavare said the economy is gradually recovering therefore it is crucial that all
government machineries remain committed and demonstrate due diligence and discipline in handling the finances.

“All Permanent Secretaries, Financial Controllers, Human Resource Managers and all accountable officers, must be responsible and uphold the Public Financial Management Act 2013 and work together to manage our limited secured financial resources,” he said.

He added that the 2024 Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2024 can support the recovery process.
After yesterday’s introduction of the Appropriation Bill, Parliament was adjourned to tomorrow awaiting the completion of the Parliament Accounts Committee (PAC) report.

The PAC has successfully conducted its inquiry into the Appropriation Bill on Friday last week.
Stakeholders that have appeared before the committee included the Central Bank of Solomon Islands and key government ministries that have requested additional supplementary expenditure.

The PAC have found during the inquiry that most ministries have reductions on their original estimates or either removed from their development budget and placed onto their recurrent.

A report containing evidences and recommendations gathered from the inquiry will be compiled for MPs to assist them in their debate starting tomorrow.

The objective of the 2024 Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2024 is to authorise additional supplementary expenditure of more than $113million for the service of the financial year ending 31 December 2024.

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2 min 1 mth 1448