Solomon Islands believes, the Paris Agreement is failing humanity and so the world needs a
stronger legally binding framework on Climate Change.
The Paris Agreement is an international treaty on Climate Change signed in 2016. The treaty
covers climate change mitigation, adaptation and finance.
Head of Solomon Islands delegation to the 79th United Nations General Assembly and Minister
for Foreign Affairs and External Trade Hon. Peter Shanel Agovaka told the United Nations
General Assembly debate today, Climate change is more than a threat. It is a crisis, especially in
small and low lying nations like Solomon Islands.
“Solomon Islands is located in a hotspot where the impact of climate change is three times the
global average. Science tells us, we are on a 2.5 degrees Celsius trajectory. The Paris
Agreement is failing humanity. We need a stronger legally binding framework that will put us on
a 1.5 pathway. The voluntary approach under the Paris Agreement has failed miserably”.
Minister Agovaka expounds, the changing narrative on climate change is unacceptable.
Diversion away from talking about ambitious climate action, survival or the construction of safe
Islands is replaced by discussion on sinking and migration.
“We need to give hope to our people on the frontline of climate change.”
Minister Agovaka said, the G20 is responsible for 80% of global emissions, therefore, the group
must take a stronger leadership role in the fight against climate change.
(Source:MFAET Press)