2 min 1 yr 738

By Charley Piringi

The Australia Pacific Security College concludes its successful security weeklong training in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Led by the esteemed educators Professor Dave Peebles and Dr. Henry Ivarature, from the Australian National University (ANU), the program aimed to enhance regional security cooperation and capacity-building efforts in the Pacific Region.

Over the course of a week, participants from various government agencies and stakeholder groups engaged in dynamic discussions and practical training sessions on a wide range of security-related topics.

These included disaster response and management, maritime security, cybersecurity, and transnational crime prevention.

The program fostered a collaborative environment where security professionals, policymakers, and experts could share insights, experiences, and best practices.

Director of the Australia Pacific Security College, Professor Dave Peebles, said National and Regional security are very important areas for the region.

“The most important aspect is to have people speak from their hearts on issues affecting them. Also having to speak to people to tell them of the priority needs of each country.”

He added, “It is heartening to see the dedication of individuals and nations to advancing security cooperation in our region. We believe that the relationships forged and the knowledge gained during this program will have a lasting positive impact.”

ANU’s Dr. Henry Ivarature said Regional and National security should be people-centered.
“It is a regional framework, but it must be people-centered so that people feel part of it.”

“This program exemplifies the importance of regional cooperation and knowledge sharing in addressing common security challenges. Our participants have gained valuable skills and insights that will undoubtedly contribute to strengthening security efforts across the Pacific.”

The Australia-Pacific Security College remains committed to supporting regional security efforts and looks forward to future collaborations aimed at enhancing the safety and well-being of Pacific nations.

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2 min 1 yr 739