3 min 7 mths 3624

A Chinese company has won the bid to build a new World Bank-funded multi-million dollar Rescue Fire Service in Solomon Islands.

China Railway Construction Engineering Group Company Limited (CRCEG) will build the facility, which will be located at the Honiara International Airport.

World Bank is funding the project under the Second Solomon Islands Roads and Aviation Project (SIRAP2), which is being implemented by the Ministry of Communication and Aviation (MCA).

“New life-saving Rescue and Fire Services at Honiara International Airport is crucial for ensuring passenger and crew safety, meeting international aviation standards, and maintaining operational continuity,” MCA Permanent Secretary Alwyn Danitofea said.

“It enhances the airport’s ability to respond rapidly to emergencies, protects the environment, and serves as a vital hub for disaster response in Solomon Islands,” Danitofea added.

He said this new infrastructure will boosts confidence among airlines, travellers, and the local community, supporting economic stability and national security.

A statement from SIRAP2 office said a kick-off meeting was held recently to introduce the contractor to the Project Support Team and the Design and Supervision Consultant.

“CRCEG is expected to mobilise upon fulfilling the conditions outlined in the contract requirements,” the statement said.

“As part of the contract requirements, CRCEG must submit a Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Form within eight working days, and Environmental and Social Performance Security within 28 working days of the Letter of Acceptance, which was signed on 16 August 2024,” the statement added.

“Additionally, the Contractor’s Environmental and Social Management Plan must be submitted for review and approval by the MCA and the World Bank before the mobilisation and commencement of work.”

Honiara International Airport and Munda International Airport in Western Province have undergone major improvements under the World Bank’s SIRAP1 and SIRAP2.

The funding comes in the form of both loan and grant – US$30.5 million loan and a US$20.5 million grant

Under the funding, Munda International Airport’s runway was upgraded to meet international standard and a new terminal building constructed. 

Honiara International Airport has had major improvements to its runway, its perimeters fenced and other improvements to its terminal.

Two modern aviation towers will also be built for both airports.

China Railway Construction, a state-owned Chinese firm, was last engaged to upgrade the Honiara International Airport runway.

In addition to the two international airports, SIRAP2 is also constructing four new bridges in Malaita (Kolofe 1, Kolofe 2, Su’u Harbor, and Bira Bridges), as well as upgrade Santa Cruz (Lata) Airfield, investing in air navigation systems in Makira-Ulawa and Temotu provinces, and supporting  provincial airport maintenance.

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3 min 7 mths 3625