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An Attorney General’s Conference of Parties that ended yesterday seeks to establish a responsive legal system that adapts to globalization, technological advancements, and societal shifts in a contemporary state.

Attorney General John Muria Junior said the event is not just about addressing current challenges but about laying the groundwork for the future. 

“It is about setting the foundation of an efficient and structured approach to addressing legal issues and challenges both present and future,” Muria said.

Held on the theme “The Role of the Attorney-General in the Delivery of Legal Services in a Contemporary State,” the conference reflects the desire to build a responsive legal system while highlighting the necessity for legal services to adapt to globalization, technological advancements, and societal shifts.

The conference gathered representatives from the legal fraternity, policymakers, and senior government officials for three days.

The concept for the Attorney-General’s Conference of Parties was conceived in 2018 however, the onset of COVID-19, Pacific Games 2023, and the National General Elections prevented the conference from happening.

The conference was supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Solomon Islands Partnership in Justice through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia.

It was the first-ever occasion for the Attorney-General’s Chambers to provide to the whole of Government Machinery the critical role of the Chambers as a legal service provider to the Government as mandated by the Constitution.

“We believe this conference is the Attorney-General’s Chambers’s input into a transformational pathway for the Solomon Islands,” Muria said.

The Attorney-General’s Chambers play an important part in the implementation of the Government’s plan or policy for National Unity and Transformation. 

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2 min 5 mths 1197