3 min 8 mths 2433

by Ronald F. Toito’ona 

Solomons Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele says the geopolitical competition for influence in the region is real.   

Speaking to local journalists in his first ‘Meet the Press’ initiative today, Manele said we have to be cognizant that there is geopolitical competition, not only in the region but also in Africa, in Europe, in the States (USA). 

“It is a phenomenon,” he said. 

It also comes with challenges and opportunities. 

“So it’s important that any government, including us, work to capitalise on the opportunities, but we must manage the challenges,” Manele, who assumed his new role only three weeks ago, said. 

“And in terms of the conduct of foreign policy, that’s the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade,” he said. 

He went on to state that as a small country, Solomon Islands’ interest is on development, and it needs all partners to help move the country forward. 

“For us as a small country, our interest is in development. And one partner alone cannot meet all our development needs and challenges. So therefore, it makes sense for us to work with all partners.” 

In terms of the Government for National Unity & Transformation (GNUT) foreign policy of ‘Friends to all and Enemy to none’, the Prime Minister boldly stated that his government will not be forced to take sides. 

“We will not be forced to take sides, but we will work with everyone because development interests and domestic security needs of Solomon Islands are broader and wider.  

“One partner alone, as I’ve said, cannot meet all the needs that we have, both on our development front and on the security front internally,” Manele said. 

So our interest is internal, in terms of security, he added. 

“We do acknowledge the big countries, they have their interests strategic, military, but for us, as a least developing country preparing for graduation in 2027, development interest is number one hence, the focus of the government in terms of the economy going forward. 

“This is why we are maintaining or taking the friends to all, enemy to none approach, because we would like to work with everyone, and we will not be forced to take sides. 

“I hope that is clear,” he stated. 


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3 min 8 mths 2434