4 min 5 mths 10381

MEMBERS of Parliament from Malaita province have reconciled their differences and vowed to work together for the betterment of the province and Solomon Islands as a whole.

The Malaita MPs today held a reconciliation ceremony at the Paul Tovua Complex in Honiara to iron out their differences in the past and also during the recent National Elections.

Leader of Opposition Matthew Wale speaking on behalf of the Malaita MPs on the Opposition Group has apologized to Malaita MPs on the Government side for the insensitive remarks made against other Malaita MPs in the past and during the election campaign.

“I sincerely apologize for any hurtful comments made against my fellow brothers,” Wale said.

“This is an important undertaking that will pave the way for us Malaita leaders to forge a new relationship to advance our province’s development aspirations and for our nation as a whole,” he added.

Minister for Infrastructure & Development HManasseh Maelanga also apologized on behalf of Malaita MPs on the Government side for statements echoed against their fellow brothers from Opposition in the past.

Opposition Leader Mathew Wale (Left) and MID Minister Manasseh Maelanga (Right) during the reconciliation ceremony ahead of this week’s Second Appointed Day in Auki, Malaita Province. Credits: Office of the Opposition Leader.

Maelanga said Malaita MPs must work together to advance the interest of the people and the country as a whole.

“Let’s put our differences behind us, forgive and forget and work together to advance the development ambitions of our province and country,” he said.

Leader of Independent Peter Kenilorea Jnr also echoed similar comments.

Kenilorea said this reconciliation is timely and is the right way forward.

He said it is the wish of the people of Malaita to see national leaders working together.

All the other Malaita MPs also took turns to express their desire to see Malaita MPs working together with other national leaders.

The Malaitan MPs have agreed on a resolution to work together going forward.

The Malaita MPs that attended are:

  • MP for East Malaita, Manasseh Maelanga
  • MP for Aoke Langlanga, Matthew Wale
  • MP for East Are’Are, Peter Kenilorea Jnr
  • MP for West Are’ Are, John Maneniaru
  • MP for Baegu Asifola, Makario Tagini
  • MP for Fataleka, Rex Ramofafia
  • MP for Small Malaita , Rick Hou
  • MP for Lau Baelelea, Ben Maenu’u
  • MP for Malaita Outer Islands, Polycarp Paea
  • MP for West Kwaio, Claudius Tei’fi
  • MP for West Kwara’ae, Alfred Tuasulia
  • MP for East Honiara, Morris Toiraena


  • MP for Central Kwara’ae, Rick Fuo (on official trip to Palau)
  • MP for East Kwaio, Stanley Sofu (sick)
  • MP for North Malaita, Daniel Waneoroa ( on official trip)

The three MPs have pledged their full support behind this renewed undertaking.

The Malaita MPs will be traveling to Auki to attend Malaita day celebrations this week.

With 14 Members of Parliament, Malaita is Solomon Islands’ most populated province.

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4 min 5 mths 10382