Viru Harbour community in Western Province becomes the first beneficiary of the United States funded USD$20 million ($160 million) Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Solomon Islands Threshold Program (MCC-SITHP).
Visiting Vice President of the Department of Policy and Evaluation at the MCC, Alicia Phillips Mandaville, announced this in Honiara this afternoon.

Visiting Vice President of the Department of Policy and Evaluation at the MCC, Alicia Phillips Mandaville, in Honiara today.
Mandaville will visit the project site tomorrow, accompanied by National Planning and Development Coordination minister Rexon Ramofafia.
MCC-SITHP is a partnership between the United States and the Government of Solomon Islands. It will run for four years.
The program works to encourage sustainable development by investing in the country’s forestry and tourism sectors, creating business opportunities, and ensuring a more sustainable future for Solomon Islanders.
It operates under two components – Forestry and Tourism.
Viru Harbour community was selected under the Forestry component.
The program will assist the community preserve their forests from destructive logging practices, while at the same time earn money through carbon trading initiatives.
Mandaville told journalists other beneficiaries will be announced when selections are finalised.
Minister Ramofafia said the MCC forestry program will help reduce logging and assist communities preserve their forests.