3 min 8 mths 1306

A historic Air Services Agreement (ASA) between Solomon Islands and New Zealand was signed yesterday.

The agreement was co-signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade, Peter Shanel Agovaka and the visiting New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Winston Peters in Honiara.

The two governments believed revising the 34-year-old ASA would facilitate the modernisation of the Agreement, accommodate the evolving aviation industry, and enhance the exchange of goods and services between the citizens of the two countries.

Minister Agovaka said modernizing the Air Service Agreement will not only make travel easier, but also strengthen tourism, trade, economic exchanges as well as facilitate movement of

Recognized Seasonal Employers (RSE) workers from Solomon Islands to New Zealand.

“This Agreement is not just about enhancing connectivity between our nations; it is about bringing our peoples closer together, fostering economic growth, and creating opportunities for our businesses and communities,’ Agovaka said.

He stated that Solomon Islands and New Zealand have consistently provided mutual support and cooperation in times of need, as neighbours of the Blue Pacific Continent. They continue to build upon this foundation.

“The Air Services Agreement is a reflection of our shared vision for a brighter future, where the ties that bind us are stronger than ever,” he added.

The Minister also expressed his gratitude to the Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, Hon. Winston Peters, for his participation in the co-signing of the revised bilateral Air Services Agreement.

“I had very fruitful discussions on this agreement with the Solomon Islands Government, and we finally signed it. My trip to the Solomon Islands is a very meaningful trip, with regards to development support to the country.” 

Negotiations for a revised version of the Air Service Agreement (ASA) between Solomon Islands and New Zealand were held on July 20, 2023.

 The 1990 ASA was deemed narrow and unsuitable for the modern aviation industry, leading to the signing of an MOU and the initial Air Service Agreement. 

The decision was timely, considering the establishment of a second International Airport and labor mobility developments.


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3 min 8 mths 1307