3 min 7 mths 1367

By Gina Maka’a

The newly built builidng modules handed over to  the Correctional Services Solomon Islands (CSSI) through a funding support of SBD 1.1 million from the Australian Government, is described as a huge bonus for the oganization.

The new building modules will provide separate new facilities to accommodate CSSI’s Emergency Response Group Office and initial staging facilities, storage facilities for the CSSI Rehabilitation and Reintegration Program Unit and facilities for Archives management and storage.

In an interview with CSSI Deputy Commissioner Michael Nagu speaking on behalf of the CSSI Commissioner, he acknowledged the Australian Government for their continous support for the new buildings and funding support through Australia and Solomon Islands.

“These modules will provide an avenue for these units within the CSSI to have proper office venues, as having proper infrastruture in place for them has been a challenge over the years.” He said.

Nagu added that with the new Archive facility, it now allows CSSI to implement strong and accountable file management and storage practises that align to the core requirements and procedures of the National Archives of Solomon Islands.

Acting Australian High Commisison Counsellor of Governance and Stability, Sara Lailey said CSSI plays an important role in the law and justice sector and contributes to community safety and stability across Solomon Islands.

“Australia  is proud to be supporting the prorities of CSSI’s Commisisoner and his leadership, including staff training and capability building, to ensure that staff have  proper facilities to carry out their important operational work and to preserve the records now and into the future.”

Also one of the longest serving staff for 21 years,CSSI Acting Commissioner Corporate Service, Bernice Kamou Wasia acknowledged Australia and said the new buildings will have a great impact on the workforce.

She highlighted that with the continous increase of staffs, having proper infrastructures in place is paramount.

“These new buildings will accommodate our mandated staff who will be using them, especially the Archives building to properly store our documents.” She stressed.

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3 min 7 mths 1368