2 min 1 yr 668

By Gina  Maka’a 

The new Provincial Assemblies and Honiara City Council Electoral Bill 2023 is currently before the Bills and Legislation Committee for deliberation. 

Among the objectives of this new law are to combine the legislative provisions relating to the conduct of Provincial Assembly elections and Honiara City Council Elections and accommodating them under a single Act. 

Once the bill is passed it will facilitate the holding of simultaneous elections by aligning the dissolution of 7 Provincial Assemblies and Honiara City Council with that of members of parliament and requiring elections to be held within 4 months from the date of dissolution. 

In an interview, the Electoral Chief Electoral Commissioner Jasper Anisi explained once the bill is passed through parliament it will clearly state the dissolution of provincial assemblies and Honiara city. 

Solomon Islands Electoral Commission Office Chief Executive Officer Jasper Anisi

“The bill will also extend the tenure for Western and Choiseul provinces who had their provincial elections last year, to dissolve on the same date as the other 7 provincial assemblies in 2028,” Anisi said.  

However, dissolution of Honiara City Council and seven provincial assemblies (Makira, Temotu, Malaita, Rennell and Bellona, Isabel, Guadalcanal and Central Islands)  will be on December 31st

The national general elections is expected to be held in April next year. 

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2 min 1 yr 669