3 min 7 mths 2836

by Ednal Palmer

Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has described the Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2024 as well dressed on paper but a mess and outrightly rejected it.

Opening the debate today after the finance minister introduced the Bill for its second reading yesterday, Gordon Darcy Lilo said the Bill is designed to support GNUT’s 100-day program and failed to meet legal requirements.

“Anything that comes into this parliament must be guided by law and base on legal processes. You don’t exploit our laws where they are silent. If the constitution does not allow it, then do not bring to this house what is not responsible,” Lilo stressed.

He said the variation of heads in the Bill is concerning and problematic. “You don’t take from one head and move that to another head. You never do that. Worst still, resources are even removed from the development budgets to the recurrent.

He said the constitution and the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) does not provide for that.

“Under section 52, 53 & 54 of the PMFA, you can only move resources from one subhead of a particular head, but you don’t take from one head and move to another, there’s restrictions.”

The Central Honiara MP explained that it was restricted “because all ministers are charged with constitutional responsibilities to manage their sectors and there are permanent secretaries that are appointed as authorized accountable officers to this house (not to the permanent secretary of finance) and the law requires them to come up with estimates every year for work programs and services under their respective ministries”.

He added that the Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2024 is being irresponsible in that manner.

The former Prime Minister said it was sad to see resources being moved from development programs of key sectors such as Education, Health and Infrastructure.

“These are the very sectors that will drive transformations that you preach. Now that these sectors are being affected, where will transformation come from?

“There’s a mismatch to what the Finance Minister delivered to the house in his introductory speech yesterday, in terms of financial allocations.”

Lilo stressed that the development budget was supposed not to be picked on.

“We are doing a real mess to the Supplementary Appropriation 2024. We should pick on the discretionary, but not the development budget.

“Allow those key ministries to deliver on their development programs so that transformation can be achieved.”

The former Prime Minister and finance minister then refused to support the Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2024.

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3 min 7 mths 2837