3 min 5 mths 1089

Opposition leader Matthew Wale has condemned Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele for what he termed as “engaging in deceptive tactics” following criticisms of his silence on the recent kidnapping issue in Honiara.

Wale stressed that matters of national security falls squarely on the Prime Minister, not the Leader of Opposition.

“It is misleading for the Prime Minister to shift blame to anyone else when he, as the head of the executive, holds the sole responsibility for national security,” Wale said.

“This is purely deceptive,” he added..

Contrary to the Prime Minister’s accusations, Wale said that he actively sought an appointment with the Commissioner of Police to be briefed on the situation. 

“Communications were made through official channels to the Commissioner of Police in the morning of 21 October 2024, followed by a second email in the afternoon. 

“There was however, no acknowledgement of receipt or response whatsoever.”

Wale said that making a statement without proper information from the police would have been irresponsible at that time.

“Adding to the media frenzy without clear, verified information would have been reckless. 

“I chose to wait for true and proper information before speaking further,” Wale explained.

He however, said that the Prime Minister’s actions already reeks of deception and a blatant disregard for accountability. 

“The Prime Minister is mocking the people’s anxiety and fears. 

“The PM specifically said that he would not be going overseas to Samoa for CHOGM due to domestic issues. 

“It seems that the issue of kidnapping was not domestic enough, to keep him from going to Indonesia. 

“This deceptive behaviour raises serious concerns about his priorities” Wale said. 

The Opposition leader criticised the Prime Minister’s so-called rare relationship with Indonesia, likening it to an act of Judas’ betrayal. 

“The PM’s relationship with Indonesia mirrors that of Judas: selling the birthright of West Papuans for thirty pieces of silver. 

“The PM should be ashamed of himself,” Wale concluded.  

Comments are being sought from Manele’s office.

Recent speculations in Honiara of a group going around in dark tinted cars to kidnap school children have sent shocked waves across the city.

Schools were closed for several days, while communities set up checkpoints at the entrance of their respective communities to check on vehicles and people.

Whilst speculations were rife on social media on various attempted abductions around Honiara, police say they only received one report of an incident around the Kukum area.

Police earlier said around four people were arrested in relation to the attempted abductions but it’s understood they’ve since been released.

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3 min 5 mths 1090