LEADER of Opposition Matthew Wale says Cabinet and Caucus never sanctioned the government delegation trip to Australia led by the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM).
In a statement today, Wale said senior government MPs have confirmed that the trip comes as a surprise to many Cabinet Ministers and backbenchers.
The Opposition Leader has urged the Prime Minister to explain the reason behind the trip and why the DPM is leading a 14-member delegation on a non-sanctioned trip.
“If this is not a sanctioned trip, then who is paying for the airfares, accommodation and allowances of the delegation? Why did the Prime Minister allow this trip if it is not sanctioned by Cabinet and Caucus?” Wale questioned.
He said his office has received information that the trip is privately sponsored by a senior government minister and a businessman.
“MPs that travelled even questioned why there was no protocol officer accompanying them and some were only included to the list at the last minute,” he said.
The Opposition Leader said his office understands the trip was purposely to meet with Patrick Wong on the Levers issue and the reason to privately sponsor a 14-member delegation on the trip is highly suspicious.
“It’s highly questionable why the DPM is leading a private trip involving 14Government MPs to meet with businessman Wong. The Prime Minister needs to come clean on why this delegation is even travelling without his approval,” he said.
Wale said the Prime Minister must get to the bottom of this and appropriate action
must be taken.
However, a recent media statement from the Office of the Prime Minister confirmed the agenda for the trip is the exploration of opportunities to expand and diversify the Labour Mobility Scheme.
The delegation will work diligently to gather insights that will contribute to the proposed revised Labour Mobility Scheme Policy Document currently pending cabinet review.
As part of the visit, the delegation will also meet with the Solomon Islands seasonal workers in their work environment, demonstrating a commitment to understanding their experiences and ensuring that their contributions are recognized and valued.
The delegation is joined by the Commissioner of Lands and the Attorney General who are there to also meet with the Levers Solomon’s Limited and Russell Islands Plantation Limited Counsel, to iron out sideline issues regarding the Levers land titles.
In-depth Solomons is also reliably informed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs knew nothing about the trip.