3 min 1 yr 825

SOLOMONS Opposition leader Matthew Wale has criticized the Government’s decision to fund a trip to Israel, describing it as “unwise”.

Up to 79 Christians left on the trip last Friday to attend a religious event in Israel and MP for Lau/Mbaelelea in Malaita, Augustine Auga, told a local newspaper he had secured $1 million from the government to cover the cost of the trip.

However, In-depth Solomons understands some members of the group met their own costs.

Wale said the reported $1 million the Government provided towards the cost of the trip is yet another clear example of DCGA’s reckless action.

“It indicates the Government’s misplaced priorities,” Wale said.. 

“When our citizens struggle to access basic medicines like Panadol daily, it’s perplexing to see such a glaring misallocation of resources,” he added.

He also questioned the rationale behind the spending, especially given the current state of the nation’s healthcare. 

“With our healthcare system facing severe medicine shortages, how can the Government justify allocating $1 million to an overseas trip?” he asked. 

The Leader of Opposition acknowledged that overseas trips might have valid reasons. 

However, he emphasized that public funds should cater to prioritize public needs. 

“While international relations for the State and its peoples are essential for national progress, we must scrutinize the timing and nature of such travels. This is especially true when our core services are in dire straits,” Wale said.

The Opposition Leader argued that the amount spent on the trip could be better utilized elsewhere. 

“It doesn’t require much imagination to think of other areas where a million of dollars would make a significant impact,” Wale said.

He adds the DCGA Government has once again failed to spend where it is mostly needed – towards the wellbeing of all its citizens. 

“The continuous string of the Government’s misaligned actions should serve as a stark reminder to Solomon Islanders of how much thought this Government puts into the welfare of Solomon Islanders,” Wale said.

Religious groups from a number of Pacific island countries have also left for Israel for the event.

The Solomons group was still on the way to Israel when the terrorist group Hamas launched a deadly attack on innocent women and children in Israel.

The unprovoked attack prompted Israel to declare war against Hamas.

Photos shared on social media today indicate the group is now in Israel, despite fears of them turning back due to the security situation there.


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3 min 1 yr 826