3 min 5 mths 2226

By Ronald F. Toito’ona

Philip Kwato’o, one of the two candidates vying to be the next premier of Malaita Province, has called for unity and progress ahead of tomorrow’s election in provincial capital Auki.

 Kwato’o, a mining engineer, was elected new Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) for Ward 29 in last month’s provincial elections.

He is standing in for Daniel Suidani in tomorrow’s election after the former premier decided not to contest for the top job.

In a statement, Kwato’o said the challenges facing Malaita, particularly in leadership and governance, have hindered its progress, leading many to seek opportunities elsewhere.

“As we stand at this crucial juncture in our province’s journey, it is imperative that we address the pressing issues that have long hindered our progress,” he said.

“Malaita, our beloved home, has seen many of its sons and daughters leave in search of opportunities elsewhere. This trend speaks volumes about the challenges we face, particularly in leadership and governance,”Kwato’o added.

One of the key issues Kwato’o highlighted is the failure of past leaders to adequately address the province’s problems, resulting in disappointment among the people. 

However, he emphasised that now is the time for leaders to unite and utilise the province’s resources to drive economic growth.

“Over the years, our leaders have not adequately addressed the issues and problems plaguing Malaita. We, the leaders of Malaita, must unite and harness the resources within our province to create opportunities that will drive our economy forward,” he stated.

He then calls for collaboration with national government and development partners, a move that Mr Suidani has failed to execute during his time.

“While we strive to advance Malaita, we must also ensure that our plans align with those of the national government. 

“Let us work together with all our development partners and stakeholders to achieve our development plans. Collaboration and cooperation are key to our success.”

The young leader also calls on all Malaitans to join hands and work towards the province’s common goal of progress. 

Kwato’o further stated that “my team will comprise individuals from diverse backgrounds and professions, reflecting our unity in diversity.”

“It is time now that we put our differences aside and work together for the good of Malaita. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future for generations to come,” he added..

He concluded that the journey towards progress for the province begins now, and it is up to all Malaitans to join hands and forge ahead with faith and a collective sense of purpose.

Honorable Elijah Asilaua. Photo: SIBC

Kwato’o will take on Elizah Asilau, provincial member for ward 11, east Baegu.

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3 min 5 mths 2227