3 min 1 mth 650

Six community representatives have been appointed to help guide the construction of the new Seghe Market in Western Province.

This is to ensure strong community participation as construction prepares to commence.

Australia is funding the market project at a cost of SBD$28.9 million.

The appointments were made last week during a pre-works community consultation with 18 government, church and community representatives, with Australia’s Solomon Islands Infrastructure Program.

Australian High Commissioner, Rod Hilton, thanked the volunteers from government, church and the community for their strong leadership.

“Infrastructure built with partnership leads to great development outcomes during and after construction,” High Commissioner Hilton said.

Ward Member for Seghe, Eddie Ngava, applauded the progress of the market project and the inclusion of community in the process.

“I congratulate the volunteers who have put their hand up to support the new market project—you are providing a service to your community and Seghe,” Ngava said.

The Community Advisory Group includes Provincial Administration Officer, Cowley Puilingi, together with representatives from the Uniting and Seventh-day Adventist churches, and market vendors.

The group was assured that traffic and pedestrian safety would be prioritised during construction, as well as opportunities for the employment of local workers. 

The formation of the group is another step in the preparation for works to commence, with local contractor, Hatanga, also commencing materials procurement, community liaison and planning for mobilisation to the site.

High Commissioner Hilton said across Solomon Islands, Australia is investing in infrastructure that people have a real stake in.

“Quality infrastructure benefits from talking with community during design, creating work during construction, and supporting government to manage assets after handover.”

“Australia is not only Solomon Islands’ nambawan infrastructure partner, we are committed to investing in Solomon Islands people while we build infrastructure.”

The new market will meet the growing needs of Marovo and is linked to the upgrades to Seghe Airport supported by Australia and New Zealand.

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3 min 1 mth 651