4 min 1 mth 1485

Opposition leader Matthew Wale says delays by the National Hosting Authority (NHA) to provide audit documentation for the Pacific Games 2023 to auditors is a very serious matter.

And he calls on Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele to summon NHA, which operated under the office of the prime minister, and question them over the delay.

Wale’s call came after Auditor General David Dennis revealed that their audits into the Pacific Games, which Solomon Islands hosted in 2023, was delayed by NHA’s slow response to their requests for documentations.

The documentation includes transactions for major procurements for the Games.

Wale said the 2023 Pacific Games was marred with serious allegations of corruption, and the unjustifiable delay by NHA raises a lot of questions that only add to the perceptions of corruption in the hosting of the Games. 

“Millions of taxpayers and donor funds were reportedly corrupted during the Games and the delay to provide documentations requested by the auditors is a matter of the greatest concern,” Wale said.

“I have heard that the audit team has been obstructed and delayed deliberately,” he claimed.

“There were even allegations of destruction of documents presumably to avoid auditors seeing them. 

“These are very serious allegations indeed.”

In-depth Solomons is reaching out to NHA for comments on Wale’s claims. NHA was the body tasked to organise and host the games. It was chaired by Dr Jimmie Rodgers, Secretary to the Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, the Opposition leader said citizens of this country must take great interest in this matter and keep a close eye on how the estimated $2.5 billion to host the games in December 2023 was used.

“The Prime Minister must also hold those who reportedly destroyed those said documents accountable,” he said.

Wale said he is very disappointed with the manner in which the NHA has not cooperated with the auditors.

The Opposition Leader said he expects more and better from the Chair of NHA in this important matter.

“The Prime Minister needs to take action. He cannot sit back and watch this happening under his watch.”

Auditor General Dennis last week briefed Prime Minister Manele on the delay in completing the audits into the Games.

He said documentation to support the validity of actions and transactions for certain major procurements had not yet been provided by NHA and remains a concern. 

Dennis had engaged international audit firm KPMG to do the audits.

He said the financial statement audit cover the calendar periods 2019 through to 2024 and the special procurement audit examines the procurement practices of NHA.

The Auditor General explained that during their audience with Manele, they provided an overview of progress to date and likely timelines for delivery of audit reports.

He said the audits are expected to be reported in the first quarter 2025 subject to timely receipt of required documentation.

“Challenges in NHA providing requested documentation continues to delay the timely completion of these audits. 

“To date proper documentation to support the validity of actions and transactions for certain major procurements had not yet been provided and remains a concern.

“Updates to the likely completion dates for the remaining financial audits covering calendar periods 2022-2024 will be shared at a later date,” Dennis said.

Prior to and during the Games, allegations and claims of excessive spending and awarding of contracts to friends and cronies have been widespread.

One particular case was the $6.4 million contract awarded to a local barbershop to supply toilet papers for the games.

Exposure of the deal and widespread public criticisms led to the dismissal of the contract.

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4 min 1 mth 1486